Editorial Policy

Mission Statement

NFL Analysis is committed to upholding high ethical standards. In the current media landscape, we believe it is more important than ever to preserve humanity in journalism and to take a responsible and conscientious approach to ensure our work does not inflict harm upon others.


NFL Analysis welcomes all feedback and encourages active dialogue with our writers, editors and management team. We are committed to engaging with our audience and taking action based on their feedback, complaints or other suggestions.

We believe that news organizations have a moral duty to engage with the public on the values, and pressing issues of the times, and that organizations such as ours can gain a lot in return. In fact, actionable feedback may:

  • Answer questions that a story raises.
  • Help further develop a story or article.
  • Help identify related questions or issues that our audience is discussing or are concerned about.
  • Uncover new and diverse sources and references.

Our readers are free to connect with us in several ways:

  • Via the contact us page on our website
  • Via physical mail sent to our office at the address outlined in the UK Office section below
  • Via our various social channels
  • Via the author contact details and social channels provided on our authors page


NFL Analysis is committed to authentically representing every one of the millions of users around the world who consume our content every month, whatever their background, and however they identify.

We work hard to be an inclusive employer and responsible publisher.


NFL Analysis operates under UK-based publisher and tech company GRV Media. Where GRV Media brands publish in the UK, the company abides by five core principles of ethical journalism, as outlined by the Ethical Journalism Network.

1. Truth & Accuracy

While we cannot guarantee ‘truth’, we will always endeavor to get our facts right and to strive for accuracy. When we cannot corroborate information we should say so.

2. Independence

Our writers do not act formally or informally on behalf of special interests whether political, corporate or cultural. Editors should be made aware of any conflicts of interest and act accordingly.

3. Fairness & Impartiality

Articles should be balanced and add context.

4. Humanity

Journalists should do no harm. We should be aware of the impact our words can have on the lives of others. We should take special care and attention when reporting on sensitive issues or those that may cause upset. If we do not feel an article can be written without causing pain for others, we do not write that article.

5. Accountability

When we make mistakes, NFL Analysis will correct them and make a sincere expression of regret where that is appropriate. We listen to the concerns of our audience and provide remedies when we have been unfair. Please refer to our corrections policy below for further details.

NFL Analysis will not intrude on individuals’ right to privacy.

Furthermore, NFL Analysis endeavors to follow the guidance given by The Society of Professional Journalists in their Code of Ethics alongside IPSOs Editors’ Code of Practice.


NFL Analysis is committed to correcting mistakes promptly. We are responsive to feedback from readers and take concerns seriously.

Our editorial and management teams are charged with ensuring that any errors are swiftly identified and remedied. As well as taking editorial care prior to publication, our editorial team routinely audits articles, checking for any possible factual inaccuracies.

If you believe we have fallen below our standards with regard to the factual accuracy of our content we will strive to make corrections where necessary. Please contact [email protected] in the first instance with any concerns regarding the accuracy of our reporting. Furthermore, you can find our physical address for written correspondence at the bottom of this policy.

Coverage Priorities

Our writers do not act formally or informally on behalf of special interests whether political, corporate or cultural. Editors should be made aware of any conflicts of interest and act accordingly.

We strive to take an impartial stance when reporting on issues and aim to deliver content in an unbiased and transparent manner at all times.

Bylines Policy

All of our articles will contain a clear author byline stating the name of the author and a link to their author biography. We will also publicly display the social profiles, contact details and accreditation of our authors.

If any article is published without a byline for whatever reason we will give clear reasoning as to why that is and how any corrections can be submitted in that case.

Unnamed Sources

Under NFL Analysis’s policies and guidelines, material from anonymous sources may be used only if:

  1. The material is information, not opinion or speculation, and is vital to the news report.
  2. The information is not available except under the conditions of anonymity imposed by the source.
  3. The source is reliable and in a position to have accurate information.

NFL Analysis strictly follows two statements contained in The SPJ Code of Ethics on anonymous sources:

Identify sources whenever feasible. The public is entitled to as much information as possible on sources’ reliability. A journalist’s most important professional possession is credibility. If news consumers don’t have faith that the stories they are reading or watching are accurate and fair, or if they suspect information attributed to an anonymous source has been fabricated, then the journalists effectively lose all of their credibility. To protect their credibility and the credibility of their stories, authors must use every possible avenue to confirm and attribute information before relying on unnamed sources. If the only way to publish a story is to use anonymous sources, the writer owes it to the readers to identify the source as clearly as possible without exposing the identity of the individual who has been granted anonymity.

Always question sources’ motives before promising anonymity. Clarify conditions attached to any promise made in exchange for information. Keep promises. Writers can not take information from anonymous sources without the approval of a NFL Analysis editor. We use information from anonymous sources to tell important stories that would otherwise go unreported.

The decision to use an anonymous source is not a decision made solely by the author. To use an anonymous source, the author must have the written consent of a NFL Analysis editorial team member.


NFL Analysis takes pride in its editorial standards and employs a sizable team of editorial staff whose primary role within the company is to ensure the accuracy of the content that our writers produce. To that end, NFL Analysis employs the following actions to prevent inaccurate or misleading content:

1. Writers must credit and link to the source of any information they are reporting.

2. Writers are told to question the validity of sources and to take care of the information they are reporting, especially where it may touch upon a sensitive or controversial topic.

3. Writers are provided with guidance on which sources are and are not seen by NFL Analysis as credible.

4. Writers are expected not to write about topics when they feel they do not have sufficient knowledge to do so accurately.

5. Writers must clearly distinguish between opinion, conjecture and fact.

6. Editors review articles across our network and seek confirmation for any claims they feel may be inaccurate.

Where NFL Analysis finds it has published inaccurate or misleading information, we will respond swiftly to remedy the situation.


NFL Analysis takes a zero-tolerance approach to plagiarism. Any writer who is found to have used the work of others without permission and accreditation will immediately face disciplinary action.

Sponsored Content

NFL Analysis prides itself on a editorial team of qualified and reputable journalists who maintain our high content and ethical standards. As such, NFL Analysis does not accept sponsored content or guest posts of any kind.

GenerativeAI Content

AI tools remain unreliable and there is no room for unreliability within NFL Analysis’s journalism and creative work. None of the articles on NFL Analysis are produced using AI tools.


For articles that contain spoilers, NFL Analysis will include a spoiler warning at the start of the article or at the earliest possible point before spoilers arrive. Any instance where this has not been followed should be reported to [email protected] in the first instance.

Founding Date

NFL Analysis has been part of the GRV Media group since 2024. You can find out more about NFL Analysis and GRV Media on our about us page.

UK Office

Please address written correspondence to GRV Media, 18 Mulberry Avenue, Widnes, Cheshire, WA8 0WN.